What is a Red Card?
A red card is a communication tool the school uses to communicate to coaches that a student has completed the required paperwork to participate in sports. Once a student has turned in all the required forms to the school, he/she will be issued a red card which must be given to the coach in order to begin participation with the team.
Physical Eligibility for Athletics
A student becomes eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics (practice or competition) once the school has either a Medical Eligibility form or Alternate Year form on file. One or the other needs to be completed each school year. If a Medical Eligibility form is on file from the previous year, the Alternate Year form needs to be filled out and signed by a parent or guardian. Forms may be accessed via the link on the left side of this page or you may pick them up at the main office of your school.
NOTE: According to WIAA (Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association) rules, a physical examination taken April 1 and after is valid for the following two school years; a physical examination taken before April 1 is only valid for the remainder of that school year and the following school year.
DCSD Code of Conduct
The Deerfield Community School District Co/Extracurricular Code Handbook was created to provide guidance to students and parents/guardians on the eligibility and expected behavior for participation in athletic and non-athletic extracurricular activities. Students in grades 6-12 are required to turn in an Activities & Code Signature Page before they will be allowed to participate in sports or clubs.
Concussion and Head Injury Statute
The purpose of Wisconsin Statute 118.293 - Concussion and Head Injury is to develop guidelines and other information for the purpose of educating coaches and student athletes and their parents or guardians about the nature and risk of concussion and head injury in youth athletic activities.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Statute
The purpose of Wisconsin Statute 118.2935 - Sudden Cardiac Arrest is to develop guidelines and other information for the purpose of educating coaches and student athletes and their parents or guardians about the nature and risk of sudden cardiac arrest in youth athletic activities.
WIAA Eligibility Requirements
Member schools in the WIAA developed the rules and regulations which govern participation of students in school athletics.